1. Dorothy, come on. Never mind your shoes. They#39;ll soon dry off. 快点儿吧,多萝西。别去管你的鞋子了,它们很快就会干的。
2. Marla was recently seen slinging her shoes at Trump. 最近有人看见马拉朝特朗普扔鞋子。
3. You don#39;t mind if I take my shoes off, do you? 你不介意我把鞋子脱了吧?
4. His sodden trousers were clinging to his shins and his shoes squelched. 他湿透的裤子紧贴小腿,鞋子吧唧作响。
5. Billy leaned forward and brushed a speck of dust off his shoes. 比利俯身擦掉了鞋子上的一丝灰尘。
6. She stretched out on the sofa and kicked off her shoes. 她四肢平摊躺在沙发上,踢掉了鞋子。
7. His shoe had rucked up one corner of the pale rug. 他的鞋子把浅色地毯的一角弄皱了。
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